*Do you like the flows I share on Instagram and want to practice with me?

*As a Yoga Teacher are you finding it hard to make time for your own practice?

*Do you struggle with imposter syndrome and want to fully step into your power as the authentic, confident, life-transforming yoga teacher you were meant to be?

*Do you desire to practice creative flows that keep you present, challenge your body to move in new ways, and just make class fun?

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Hi I'm Juliana Larochelle. 

I am a Yoga Mentor and Yoga Teacher for over 10 years.

There was a time in my Yoga Teacher journey when I was teaching 10+ classes a week and didn’t make it a priority to do my own practice. This eventually led to burnout and periods where I considered stopping teaching.

As Yoga Teachers, we are givers and we tend to put our students needs in front of our own. I knew had to prioritize my own practice even if it didn’t feel like I had the time.

I also began to find it hard to find a Yoga Teacher that I resonated with. I deeply loved creatively sequenced classes that incorporated words of inspiration.

I understand the challenges of teaching yoga and finding the time for your practice. That is EXACTLY why I created Yoga for Yoga Teachers.

What You’ll Get

30 recorded practices (15 asana practices & 15 meditations)

  1. Remember You Why (Asana Practice | 20 mins)

  2. The Sacred Container of Your Yoga Class (Meditation | 10 mins)

  3. Befriend Your Limiting Beliefs (Asana Practice | 20 mins)

  4. I am enough. My Teaching is enough. (Meditation | 7 mins)

  5. I am the answer to my student’s prayers (Asana Practice | 30 mins)

  6. Using my notes is a sign of a well-prepared teacher (Meditation | 7 mins)

  7. I attract the students who need and want what I have to offer (Asana Practice | 20 mins)

  8. I am a life-transforming yoga teacher making a massive positive impact (Meditation | 7 mins)

  9. Making a mistake while teaching makes me more relatable (Asana Practice | 20 mins)

  10. Yoga Teacher Manifesto (Listen on your way to teaching) (Meditation | 8 mins)

  11. It’s an honor to be of service and share my gifts with the world (Asana Practice | 17 mins)

  12. My students are okay if I forget a side (Meditation | 5 mins)

  13. I am a good teacher even if I fall out of a pose while teaching (Asana Practice | 24 mins)

  14. No one is you and the world needs your take on yoga (Meditation | 4 mins)

  15. My students LOVE my classes (Asana Practice | 33 mins)

  16. Teaching yoga is my mission and purpose (Meditation | 7 mins)

  17. Get out of a sequencing rut (Asana Practice | 32 mins)

  18. I am worthy of making my self-practice a priority (Meditation | 10 mins)

  19. My work is of high service and worthy of massive compensation (Asana Practice | 12 mins)

  20. Do this before an interview/audition (Meditation | 9 mins)

  21. Having a small class means nothing about your worth or ability to teach yoga (Asana Practice | 23 mins)

  22. Do this before you sub a class (Meditation | 5 mins)

  23. When a student leaves during class remember this (Asana Practice | 34 mins)

  24. I trust in my ability to teach (Meditation | 6 mins)

  25. It’s okay to not know it all and say IDK (Asana Practice | 14 mins)

  26. It’s so easy for me to think of fresh sequences (Meditation | 7 mins)

  27. I am willing to forgive myself, my students, and any past weird teaching experiences (Asana Practice | 17 mins)

  28. I easily hold my boundaries (Meditation | 7 mins)

  29. It’s okay for me to be a work in progress AND teach (Asana Practice | 18 mins)

  30. I am an authentic life-transforming yoga teacher (Meditation | 4 mins)

BONUS: 30-day Yoga Challenge Calendar

  • You can start your own 30 day challenge at anytime!

BONUS: 8, 60-minute Recorded Yoga Practices

BONUS: 60-min Recorded Yin Yoga Class


Q: Do you have to be a Yoga Teacher to join these classes?

A: No, you don’t have to be Yoga Teacher, however, these classes are meant for yoga practitioners who feel confident with the yoga basics and want to be physically challenged! I do NOT recommend taking these classes if you are new to yoga.

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: Due to the nature of readily available digital products, you will immediately receive access to the recorded videos at the time of purchase. As a result, I am not able to offer refunds.

How Does It Work?

After purchase, you will get an email with the login information. You can decide to join a 30-day challenge or just do the practices as you please. You will get instant access to ALL the yoga practices.


$199 or 2 payments of $99.50

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What Yoga Teachers Say About Yoga for Yoga Teachers